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Nuseed Carinata enroute for EU low-carbon biofuel markets 

The 2021 Nuseed Carinata harvest, a non-food cover crop grown between main crops in Argentina, recently shipped to Saipol, the largest biodiesel producer in Europe for processing at their facility in France.  Nuseed Carinata crop production practices, as well as resulting grain logistics, are managed following regulatory and certification requirements from field to fuel for […]

Nuseed Carinata enroute for EU low-carbon biofuel markets  Read More »

Monola demonstrates Australia’s canola paddock pride  - Australia Paddock Pride Winner

Monola demonstrates Australia’s canola paddock pride 

Nuseed Australia, the country’s canola market leader, wrapped up 2021 by announcing #MonolaPaddockPride photo contest winners.  “There’s more to these photos than just pretty canola fields,” explained Eleanor Lee, Nuseed Specialty Oils Operations Manager. “Our Monola program demonstrates how Nuseed works with growers and industry to add value and deliver a contract opportunity. Because of

Monola demonstrates Australia’s canola paddock pride  Read More »

Carinata close up

Nuseed connects growers to low-carbon biofuel markets

Global demand for independently certified sustainable, non-food low-carbon biofuel feedstock has already brought new agronomic and economic opportunity to Nuseed Carinata growers in Argentina. The development of the Nuseed Carinata Value Chain, the value creation supply chain connecting growers to end-use customers and new biofuel markets, is critical to certified biofuel production and a catalyst

Nuseed connects growers to low-carbon biofuel markets Read More »

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Cover crops are potentially the world’s largest tool to combat climate change

Between main crop harvest and next season’s planting, when weather and current plant genetics prevent typical main crops from being grown, there is a drop in photosynthesis and atmospheric carbon removal. Cover crops, plants that grow well in this typically dormant period to “cover” and protect soil, sequester carbon during the winter or fallow season

Cover crops are potentially the world’s largest tool to combat climate change Read More »

Fats 101: An overview of fats, why we need them and how to make smart choices - CANADA CANOLA BloomShots 1 scaled 1

Fats 101: An overview of fats, why we need them and how to make smart choices

Ever get confused about fats? According to recent consumer research from the International Food Information Council (IFIC), you are not alone. Over the years, we’ve been bombarded with advice to choose low-fat options, but then we see reports on the importance of consuming ‘good’ fats. This infographic was designed to help simplify things. Fat is

Fats 101: An overview of fats, why we need them and how to make smart choices Read More »

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First Nuseed Carinata hybrids show strong agronomic performance

The first Nuseed Carinata hybrids showcased strong agronomic performance in 2021 commercial demonstration plots in Uruguay, Argentina and the Southeastern United States. “By commercializing earlier maturing and higher yielding hybrids with increased vigor we are able to further increase the biomass above ground for maximum soil carbon sequestration, plus increase yield for a substantial increase

First Nuseed Carinata hybrids show strong agronomic performance Read More »

How a new marketing opportunity is also improving soil in Montana - Brian Morse with grower in irrigated omega 3 field scaled 1

How a new marketing opportunity is also improving soil in Montana

How a new marketing opportunity is also improving soil in Montana  The positive impact of introducing a new market opportunity to growers in Montana, who for decades have grown the world’s best durum wheat and malt barley, is seen in the soil health of their fields.  Nuseed Omega-3 Canola has brought an entirely new contract market opportunity for growers in Montana to produce a land-based source of complete omega-3 for global aquafeed and human nutrition end-use customers. Growing the essential

How a new marketing opportunity is also improving soil in Montana Read More »