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Nuseed Secures Canadian Food and Feed Approvals for Omega-3 Canola Oil - test 1

Nuseed Secures Canadian Food and Feed Approvals for Omega-3 Canola Oil

Nuseed Americas Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Nufarm Limited (ASX:NUF), today welcomed confirmation from Canada’s relevant regulatory authorities that its proprietary DHA refined canola oil has been deemed to be safe for human consumption and that DHA canola crude oil and meal are safe for aquaculture and livestock feed, respectively. In releasing its assessment, […]

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Saipol biofuel

Nuseed secures commercial off-take agreement with leading biodiesel producer for carinata

July 22, 2020 INDUSTRY UPDATE Nuseed Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nufarm Limited, has executed a commercial off-take agreement with Saipol, the largest biodiesel producer in Europe, to supply Nuseed Carinata as a feedstock for certified low carbon oil for low-carbon fuels and high protein non-GMO meal for livestock feed. The multi-year agreement follows the

Nuseed secures commercial off-take agreement with leading biodiesel producer for carinata Read More »

Nuseed celebrates ten years of providing top seed and service in South America - VenadoTuerto e1594219087863

Nuseed celebrates ten years of providing top seed and service in South America

Initially, Nuseed Argentina started as a sorghum seed company but eventually expanded to include sunflowers (oil and confection types) and canola. In 2019 the team also introduced carinata to their portfolio. While Nuseed’s Argentinian business has always enjoyed steady success, in the last four years the team has tripled its volume by adding new crops, new products, and enlarging the

Nuseed celebrates ten years of providing top seed and service in South America Read More »


Sorghum’s non-GMO Verification Opens Market Segment

Nuseed subsidiary, Richardson Seeds International (RSI), has verified under the Non-GMO Project Product Verification Program its food grade sorghum to supply the non-GMO market a healthy gluten-free ancient grain. The program is North America’s only third-party verification for non-GMO food and products. It ensures products have been comprehensively evaluated by an independent party for compliance

Sorghum’s non-GMO Verification Opens Market Segment Read More »

sorghum field

Commercializing High Potential Crops

With a rich global germplasm bank and a strong focus on research and development, Nuseed has rapidly expanded over the past decade. Each hemisphere has a Nuseed Innovation Center to drive progress, helping to identify markers and traits for seed development, top-performing hybrids, and new plant-based solutions. “Nuseed’s growth has been driven by being extremely

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carinata field hats

Nuseed Regions Enable Global Growth

Teams in North America, South America, Europe, and Australia help local growers and industry partners get the best results with Nuseed. Success within these regions is essential to continued global growth for the business. All four regions can grow Nuseed’s portfolio of high potential crops – canola, carinata, sorghum, and sunflower. This has resulted in

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