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Sorghum is a drought tolerant crop that uses about one third less water to produce approximately the same energy and nutrition as corn. With superior salinity and drought tolerance it’s an ideal crop for arid or marginal land. Globally Nuseed is advancing sorghum’s use as a highly digestible livestock feed, for ethanol production, and as a high fiber gluten-free food ingredient.
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Durability and Diversity


As water concerns grow, more farmers around the world have taken a serious look at sorghum. Possessing characteristics interchangeable with corn, sorghum is used for everything from gluten-free foods to ethanol and interest in this versatile crop continues to expand.

With more than 55 years of sorghum breeding experience, Nuseed’s sorghum research program includes full scale research nurseries in the United States, Argentina, and Australia. With a focus on developing high yielding, larger grain size sorghum hybrids, Nuseed is delivering growers hybrids with superior pest and disease tolerance, plus unique early maturity traits. With the importance of this crop growing globally Nuseed is working to create sorghum with an enhanced root system to deliver improved drought tolerance.

Find the Right Seed

419X124 (N2G102)

319Ð¥120 (N2G207)