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Nuseed Canola

Nuseed has a proven portfolio of canola, sorghum and sunflower seed developed specifically for your fields and market opportunities. Giving you better growth, all year round.

Nuseed Canola

Nuseed has earned its position as the market leader for canola in Australia. At its Innovation Center in Horsham, Nuseed has developed elite blackleg resistant seed, as well as new HyTTec, Truflex, and Monola hybrids with the heart-healthy oil profile now mandated across the country. Elsewhere, Nuseed is using its best-in-class germplasm to deliver locally proven hybrids for growth, focusing on the European, North American, and South American markets. 

Top-performing genetics, expertise, and collaboration have also enabled Nuseed to produce Nuseed Omega-3 Canola. It’s the first land-based source of the essential nutrient and Nuseed is commercially producing it in the U.S. for aquafeed.


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