Canola seed is small and may be susceptible to damage when it is moving through mechanical processes, such as seeders and augers.
Growers are encouraged to check that air-seeders are set up properly for small vulnerable seeds such as canola, and to protect the properties of the seed by using the lowest fan speed that will achieve satisfactory seed placement.
We are aware of some instances of impact to canola seed when using higher fan speeds, with de-coating and splitting observed with some varieties and batches of seed.
Nuseed recommends that growers conduct a pre-seeding check on the seed running through their seeding equipment, by taking samples under seeder boots at varying fan speeds to check for any adverse effects.
We also encourage growers to always check for any impact on seed whenever it moves through a mechanical process, for example; augers, elevators etc.

Download the tech sheet here
If you have any questions, please contact your local Nuseed Area Sales Manager.