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Monola® 422TT

Exceptional vigour offering export quality oil profile

Monola® 422TT

Monola 422TT is an early-mid maturing variety with an improved fatty acid profile for export quality oil.

Monola 422TT is a new OP TT Monola variety that shows exceptional vigour for growers.

Monola 422TT is stable for growing across a wide range of regions and planting times.

Monola 422TT gives you the confidence to produce an export quality oil profile and competitive yields compared to other OP varieties.

Monola 422TT growers may be eligible for attractive premium payments* at harvest – speak to your Monola Seed Agent for details.

Grower Premiums: In 2023 Monola growers will receive a premium payment* of $100/mt at harvest.

* A minimum fatty acid profile is required to meet Monola specifications as per the Monola Grower’s Contract.


If you’re looking for more information about our products, please visit our resources section where you can find trial data, tech sheets, herbicide information and more.

Seed Disease Resistance

Blackleg Rating*: MR

Blackleg Resistance Group: BC

* 2023 Spring Blackleg Rating Bare

View the latest GRDC Blackleg Management Guide

Management Recommendations

Recommended Target Yield: 1.0-3.0 TNS

Seed Agronomics​

Maturity: Early-Mid

Height: Short

Oil: High

Seedling Vigour: 6
Rating scale: 1 poor – 9 very high

Standability: 7
Rating scale: 1 poor – 9 good

Alternative to: Monola 416TT, Monola 420TT, ATR Stingray, ATR Bonito

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