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ATR Swordfish

A fortified disease package to ensure impressive yields in local conditions

ATR Swordfish

ATR Swordfish is an early – mid-maturing OP TT canola, bred for Aussie conditions.

ATR Swordfish is our newest OP TT variety, bred in Australia from Nuseed’s top performing germplasm.

Growers will choose ATR Swordfish for its strong competitive yield and excellent oil content compared to other OP TT varieties.

When something is this good, it’s worth protecting. So ATR Swordfish has a strengthened disease package to protect the top-quality genetics.

An EPR (End Point Royalty) of $5 per tonne (ex GST) applies to ATR Swordfish.


If you’re looking for more information about our products, please visit our resources section where you can find trial data, tech sheets, herbicide information and more.

Seed Disease Resistance

Blackleg Rating*: MR-MS

Blackleg Resistance Group*: ABC

* 2023 Spring Blackleg Rating Bare
View the latest GRDC Blackleg Management Guide

Seed Treatment

2024 Seed Treatments:

Cruiser® Opti & Saltro® Duo

View more information on seed treatments

Seed Agronomics​

Maturity: Early – Mid
Height: Medium
Oil: Medium
Seedling Vigour: 5
Rating scale: 1 poor – 9 very high
Standability: 7
Rating scale: 1 poor – 9 good
Alternative to: ATR Bonito, ATR Mako, DG Bidgee

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