IMI Tolerant
Your new choice for IMI tolerant canola, combining Nuseed’s high performing hybrids with more options for paddock management.
IMI tolerant canola from Nuseed is a new alternative in this herbicide technology.
We’ve brought together the benefits of the IMI system and the power of Nuseed’s market leading hybrid canola genetics, giving you a new option in this segment.
If you’re looking for a solution to managing IMI chemical residues across your cropping rotations, talk to your agronomist about IMI canola from Nuseed, the leaders in hybrid canola.
* 2023 Autumn Blackleg Rating Bare View the latest GRDC Blackleg Management Guide
** Rated from Susceptible to Tolerant using our proprietary shaking method
^^ Not recommended for early sowing in a high yield environment
Find the Right Seed

Nuseed Ceres IMI
- Canola
- Hybrid
- Early
- IMI Tolerant